written by Scotti Cohn
illustrated by Susan Detwiler
Sylvan Dell Publishing 2011
978-1-607181-248 (hardcover) 978-1-607181-347 (paperback)
The time of day and days of the week provide the framework for comparing large predator cats to our pets at home. Hunting behavior in the wild is mirrored in the characteristics and play we observe in our domestic felines.
buy "Big Cat, Little Kitty" HERE
"This lovely book, Big Cat, Little Kitty, introduces youngsters to the days of the week as they travel to seven different habitats to meet wild big cats, which are cleverly compared to domestic cats closer to home. Is a big cat's hunt for food similar to a little kitty's playing with a ball of yarn? Read and find out! The full-color illustrations are rich, creamy, and captivating! " Mom's Choice Awards Gold
~The Old Schoolhouse Magazine-November 2011